SERVICES - dB Earwax Removal

dB Earwax Removal
Expert Ear Wax Removal
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Simple, Clean, Safe.
Micro suction ear wax removal is undertaken using a medical suction unit and something to allow the professional to see clearly what he or she is doing. This is normally a microscope, loupe or endoscope. A thin suction is attached to the suction machine that can be comfortably place inside the ear canal. A skilled practitioner will only make contact with the wax and not the patient's ear canal walls or ear drum.
Usually microsuction does not need pre-treatment with drops, however, 1 or 2 days of olive oil is generally considered the best preparation. Whilst examining your ear through a visual aid, the professional (which should be an audiologist, doctor, nurse or hearing care assistant) will safely remove the blockage in a pain-free movement. You should also be shown the condition of your ear before and after the treatment.
Safer than ear syringing
Ear wax removal by irrigation has all but replaced the old fashioned technique of ear syringing. It is a far safer and more effective water method of ear cleaning. It uses an electronic ear irrigation machine to remove ear wax. The machine contains a storage reservoir unit for water and a hand-held nozzle which gently pumps water into the ear canal at a controlled and steady rate. The water breaks down and dislodges the ear wax build-up, it then flushes the ear wax out of the canal and it is captured in a flask called a noots tank or ear cup. Not everyone is suitable for earwax removal by irrigation and not all of our clinics offer irrigation ear wax removal, however they all offer you microsuction earwax removal.
Microsuction in operation
Irregation tools
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